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15 Healthy Snack Suggestions for Gestational Diabetes

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If you’re dealing with gestational diabetes, your snack selections matter. Discover how tasty snacks can aid in managing your condition and promoting a healthy pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes is a transient blood sugar condition that develops during pregnancy and typically resolves after childbirth.

If you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you may be wondering how to manage hunger during and between meals, especially considering pregnancy often brings increased appetite.

Healthy, delicious snacks can assist in maintaining safe blood sugar levels.

Gestational Diabetes

Are Snacks Allowed with Gestational Diabetes?

gestational diabetes - Protein snack

If you’re dealing with gestational diabetes, snacks are not only permissible but recommended. Pregnancy demands additional calories, so it’s crucial not to overlook snacking between meals

In your second and third trimesters, when gestational diabetes is often identified, you’ll require about 340 additional calories daily. Plan for three meals and two snacks daily, unless advised differently by your healthcare provider or nutritionist.

Incorporating snacks into your daily routine during pregnancy not only completes your necessary calorie intake but also aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day.

The secret is to snack smartly, combining carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Pairing protein and fat with carbs can impact how your body processes carbohydrates and regulates blood sugar levels.

Guidelines for Healthy Snacking with Gestational Diabetes

In addition to balancing macronutrients, consider these strategies for healthy snacking during gestational diabetes:

  • Read food labels to understand content.
  • Choose whole foods: lean proteins, whole grains, dairy, vegetables, fruits.
  • Keep added sugars low.
  • Limit intake of ultra-processed foods: chips, cookies, snack bars, sugary drinks.
  • Monitor calorie intake during snacks, aiming for 300 or fewer.

What are 15 snack ideas for those with gestational diabetes?

gestational diabetes - greek yogurt

Looking for new gestational diabetes snack ideas? Check out these 15 nutritious options packed with carbs, protein, and healthy fats

  1. string cheese and a clementine
  2. avocado toast with sliced hardboiled egg
  3. crackers topped with cream cheese and smoked salmon
  4. sundried tomato wrap with melted cheddar, grilled chicken, and spinach
  5. smoothie with plain Greek yogurt, frozen banana, almond butter, and almond milk
  6. toasted whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter and sliced strawberries
  7. tuna salad with slivered almonds and diced apples
  8. cottage cheese with melon balls
  9. apple slices and peanut butter
  10. beef or turkey jerky and whole wheat crackers
  11. steamed edamame
  12. half of a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a thin layer of mayo and Romaine lettuce
  13. carrot and celery sticks with guacamole
  14. plain Greek yogurt with fresh berries
  15. roasted chickpeas

Frequently asked questions

What are suitable snacks for gestational diabetes?

If you’re managing gestational diabetes, there’s a plethora of great snack options available. Look for snacks incorporating fruits, veggies, whole grains (like oats, wheat, or barley), dairy (such as cheese and yogurt), or lean proteins (think beans, lentils, tofu, fish, chicken, or turkey). Nuts and seeds are also convenient and nutritious choices.

What are the foods to steer clear of with gestational diabetes?

When managing any type of diabetes, it’s important to limit foods high in added sugars and refined carbohydrates. Consume sweetened beverages (such as soda, juice, or sweet tea), pastries (like cookies, cakes, or danishes), and refined grain products (such as white bread, refined pasta, and white rice) as occasional treats, and aim for moderate portions when indulging in these foods.

When is the best time to eat with gestational diabetes?

Timing your meals and snacks with gestational diabetes isn’t about perfection, but spacing them out evenly is beneficial. Aim for every 2–3 hours, maintaining a consistent schedule like lunch at noon and a snack at 3:00 p.m. helps in staying on track.


Despite being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you can still enjoy safe snacking during pregnancy. Aim for balanced nutrition by choosing whole foods with a blend of carbohydrates, protein, and fats to help manage blood sugar effectively.